Rating: 8.4
Retreading the saga of Luke, Leia, Hans and the stormtroopers is a little like being a kid all over again. It’s strange to say it but George Lucas’s 1977 ‘classic’ hasn't aged in over 30 years.
Sure, some of the more ambitious special effects are a little Atari-like in comparison to modern day wonders, but this is still as believable and exhilarating as it was when I was a 7 year old cowering behind a pillow while an ice-cool Darth Vadar wheezed his way on screen.
Of course, A New Hope’s battle scenes takes centre stage – the whooshing light saber maul between Darth and Obi-Wan Kenobi will always set pulses raising – but the underlying themes of uprising against dictatorship and ancestral fate are what ties this fascinating space-age romp together, despite some particularly grating performances (hello Mark Hammill).
It was the film that ignited the imaginations of kids, and marketing departments, around the globe and even now it’s easy to see why.
Su's Review
Rating: 6.9
A few years ago, I was visiting my family in Florida and I was bored so I borrowed all the Star Wars movies from my nephew and watched them in order.
Star Wars confuses me. I am not afraid to admit it. The meaning of the broad plot is vague and not explained very well throughout. I think that the scenes move far too fast for someone who doesn't know the plot already. And seriously who thinks that Luke could master the force in one session!
I think that the effects have held up pretty well except the grid that Luke uses to aim the blasts that blow up the Death Star.
This is the first time that I understood that Obi Wan became the Force and didn't die. I have seen the scene many times but it was quite subtle. Obi Wan eludes to this before Darth Vader whacks him and Darth himself is quite befuddled by the pile of clothes.
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